
  1. Candidates are requested to read all instructions carefully before starting the test, you can only login once with the given password.
  2. Candidates are requested to check their internet connection before starting the test.
  3. Test consists of 3 parts: Academic, Analytical & English. There will be four (4) or five (05) options for each (MCQ). The candidate will indicate his/her response to the question by clicking on the appropriate answer.
  4. The division of questions will be as follows.
      1. Academic  : 20 Questions
      2. Analytical  : 5 Questions
      3. English      : 5 Questions
  5. After pressing submit key you will be moved to next question. After submission you can’t revert back to previous question, for the same, candidate must fully satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the answer before submitting.
  6. There will be no negative marking.
  7. Total time duration for this test is 10 minutes, once the timer is up the test will end automatically so candidates are requested to follow the timer.
  8. All questions carry equal marks.

Good Luck!

HR Department, Al- Shifa Trust Eye Hospital

Doctors Screening Test

Enter Your Information

1 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

1) The following conditions is unlikely to cause pseudoptosis

2 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

2) A 15 year old presents in eye opd with complaints of discharging wound just above his
eyebrow.On closer examination, a scar mark and tube is seen.He gives history of surgery in
childhood for droopy eyes.What will be your plan of action?

3 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

3) Concentration of Fluoroscein stain drops used in opd

4 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

4) A 45-year-old poorly controlled diabetic female with a known history of Graves' disease presents to the ophthalmology clinic with complaints of progressive proptosis, diplopia, and eyelid retraction in both eyes. On examination, there is bilateral proptosis, lid lag, and limited ocular motility in all directions. Orbital imaging reveals moderate enlargement of the extraocular muscles. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

5 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

5) A 6-week-old infant presents to the pediatric ophthalmology clinic with excessive tearing and discharge in the right eye. On examination, the conjunctiva appears normal, and there is no corneal abrasion or inflammation. Upon lacrimal sac compression, a thick discharge is expressed. What is the most likely diagnosis?

6 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

6) A 75 years old female patient presents with complaints of watering, soreness and redness in her R eye for 6 months which is gradually worsening. On examination the R lower lid appeared lax with lid margin rolled outwards. The tarsal conjunctiva was exposed with significant horizontal lid laxity and the punctum was also visible facing outwards. Which of the following surgeries would be of benefit to this patient?

7 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

7) Tarsorrhaphy implies:

8 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

8) What complication might you expect or anticipate when performing cataract surgery on a patient with pseudoexfoliation?

9 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

9) With regards to tumours of eyelid,which is false :

10 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

10) PH of tear film is :

11 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

11) The most common cause of reduced vision in the world is

12 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

12) Least common cause of sudden loss of vision is

13 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

13) Specific sign of glaucomatous damage is

14 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

14) In viral epidemic kerato-conjunctlvitis characteristically there is usually:

15 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

15) Ten years old boy complains of itching. On examination, there are mucoid nodules with smooth rounded surface on the limbus, and mucous white ropy mucopurulent conjunctival discharge. He most probably suffers from:

16 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

16) Phlycten is due to:

17 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

17) The color of fluorescein staining in corneal ulcer is:

18 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

18) Band shaped keratopathy is commonly caused by deposition of:

19 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

19) The most important to preserve in a lid laceration repair is?

20 / 30

Category: Doctor's Academic

20) Lower motor neuron seventh nerve palsy produces the following signs?

21 / 30

Category: English

21) Synonym of CIRCUITOUS is

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Category: English

22) Synonym of BRIEF is

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Category: English

23) Synonym of EMBEZZLE is

24 / 30

Category: English

24) Synonym of ARROGANT is

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Category: English

25) Synonym of WARRIOR is _____________?

26 / 30

Category: Analytical

26) Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle." How is the boy related to the girl?

27 / 30

Category: Analytical

27) Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

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Category: Analytical

28) Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

29 / 30

Category: Analytical

29) In a class there are seven students (including boys and girls) A, B, C, D, E, F and G. They sit on three benches I, II and III. Such that at least two students on each bench and at least one girl on each bench. C who is a girl student, does not sit with A, E and D. F the boy student sits with only B. A sits on the bench I with his best friends. G sits on the bench III. E is the brother of C.

Which of the following is the group of girls?

30 / 30

Category: Analytical

30) In a small inn, one or more of the chefs have to perform duty during dinner every day. The chefs are Nicholas, Antonio, and Jeremy. None of them can be assigned to dinner duty two or more days in a row.

In case Nicholas and Antonio share dinner duty on Monday of some week, and if Antonio and Jeremy share dinner duty on Thursday of the same week, which of the following would be true for that week?